Why Cleanse

1. Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels?
2. Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and /or poor memory?
3. Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods?
4. Do you drink coffee and sodas during the day to get you going?
5. Do you smoke cigarettes?
6. Do you crave or eat sugary snacks and candy or desserts?
7. Do you have less than 2 bowel movements per day?
8. Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated and / or gassy?
9. Do you experience indigestion after eating?
10. Are you overweight, or do you rarely exercise?
11. Do you have aches, pains or stiffness?
12. Do you take any sedatives or stimulants?
13. Do you experience frequent headaches?
14. Do you live with or near polluted air, water and /or other environmental pollution?
15. Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor?
16. Do you experience mood swings?
17. Do you have food allergies or bad skin?
18. Are you showing signs of premature aging?
19. Have you ever used an internal cleansing product and followed a complete internal cleanings program?

If you answer yes to 3 or more of the above listed question or answer "no" to question 19, you are a good candidate for an internal cleansing program and would benefit greatly.

Poor Digestion = Toxic Build-up
Toxic Build-up = Dis-Ease!

How we become Toxic

Now that we all know the basics of what internal cleansing is, and how important it is to cleanse for overall health, I want to list for you, the 7 most common causes of toxic build-up in the human body. This information, once you apply it, can be a huge help in keeping you on a healthy path in life. Learn these basics and apply them to your every day life by making the right choices.

1. Constipation 
Now that we all know the basics of what internal cleansing is, and how important it is to cleanse for overall health, I want to list for you, the 7 most common causes of toxic build-up in the human body. This information, once you apply it, can be a huge help in keeping you on a healthy path in life. Learn these basics and apply them to your every day life by making the right choices

2. Poor Diet 
poor diet includes dead, cooked, devitalized, clogging, low fiber foods, fried foods, junk foods, over-processed foods etc. As a modern society, we have drifted further and further away from eating raw, organic good for you fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in natural fiber, nutrients and enzymes.This information, once you apply it, can be a huge help in keeping you on a healthy path in life. Learn these basics and apply them to your every day life by making the right choices

3. Over-Consumption 
overeating puts a tremendous amount of stress on our digestion system. Most people eat too much food, too fast. Foods are not properly broken down and lodge in the lower intestines. Vital nutrients are NOT absorbed.

4. Lack of Water 
water makes up 65% to 75% of the human body. It is second only to oxygen in order of importance to sustain life. Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside.

5. Stress
stress effects every cell and tissue in the human body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as all of the major organs. Stress is TOXIC to our bodies.

6. Lack of Exercise 
exercise strengthens our entire bodies. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood.

7. Eating Late at Night 
the human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, our bodies use the sleeping hours to cleanse and detoxify, and to build strength and immunity.