Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose or Spider Veins are a major cosmetic concern to millions of people. In addition to being unsightly, many people suffer with aches and pains do to the condition.

Medical doctors will monitor them more closely in people with risk factors for blood clots also known as deep vein thrombosis. They believe however that for the most part they are more of a nuisance to the patient than of any medical concern.

The veins return blood from the rest of your body to your heart, so the blood can be recirculated. In order to return blood to your heart, the veins in your legs work against gravity. Muscle contractions in your lower legs act as pumps, and the elastic vein walls help blood return to your heart. There are tiny valves in your veins that open as blood flows toward your heart then close to stop blood from flowing backward.

Doctors never address what is actually causing the Varicose veins.  They believe that standing long periods of time is the culprit. This does not explain why not everyone that has occupations that require standing suffer from the condition and why some people that do not have such occupations do suffer from the condition.

Conventional medical treatment starts out by advising one to elevate the legs often throughout the day. And of course they recommend weight loss and exercise. They also recommend using compression stockings and even leg message techniques. This does seem to relieve some of the symptoms for a brief time but it does not eliminate the condition.

If you don't respond to self-care, compression stockings, or if your condition is more severe, your doctor may suggest one of these varicose vein treatments:
  • Sclerotherapy. In this procedure, your doctor injects small- and medium-sized varicose veins with a solution that scars and closes those veins. In a few weeks, treated varicose veins should fade. The same vein may need to be injected more than once. Sclerotherapy is effective if done correctly but does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place.
  • Laser surgeries. Doctors are using laser treatments to close off smaller varicose veins and spider veins. Laser surgery makes the vein slowly fade and disappear, but it does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place. 
  • Catheter-assisted procedures. The doctor inserts a thin tube (catheter) into an enlarged vein and heats the tip of the catheter. As the catheter is pulled out, the heat destroys the vein by causing it to collapse and seal shut. This procedure is usually done for larger varicose veins but once again it does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place. 
  • Vein stripping. Removes a long vein through small incisions. This is an outpatient procedure for most people. Removing the vein won't affect circulation in your leg because veins deeper in the leg take care of the larger volumes of blood but this to does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place. 
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy (fluh-BEK-tuh-me). Your doctor removes smaller varicose veins through a series of tiny skin punctures. Only the parts of your leg that are being pricked are numbed in this outpatient procedure. Scarring is generally minimal but it does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place. 
  • Endoscopic vein surgery. You might need this operation only in an advanced case involving leg ulcers. Your surgeon uses a thin video camera inserted in your leg to visualize and close varicose veins, and then removes the veins through small incisions. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not address what caused the varicose veins in the first place.
These treatments for varicose veins and spider veins are effective. However, varicose veins usually come back.

As a pharmacist it always amazes me that the standard approaches to conditions like this never try to determine the root cause. The standard approach is to look at the symptom then treat it. More often than not if a pharmaceutical drug is not available to treat the symptom then they look for some sort of surgical remedy.

There is an herbal remedy that has some limited affect on varicose veins, Horse-Chestnut Seed. You would think that they would take a look at this and see if they can determine what there is in it that seems to help. Through analysis it has been determined that the nutritional value of the seeds of the Indian Horse-chestnut contain a good amount of various plant derived colloidal minerals such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. Upon further examination there is a compound found in Horse-Chestnut Seed that may be the reason for its success.

These colloidal minerals and copper specifically that are found in Horse-Chestnut Seed are precisely what provides the tinsel strength of the walls of the veins. When there is a deficiency of these minerals over time the veins become more and more brittle. They begin to lose their elasticity as well which reduces the ability for blood to flow freely.

The reason the Horse-Chestnut Seed has only had limited affect however probably relates to the fact that these few minerals are only a fraction of the 90 essential nutrients required by the body. It is also a well known fact that the mineral content of any one plant will vary depending on the condition of the soils from which it was grown. This means there are just too many variables involved that can't be controlled to insure adequate levels of these much needed nutrients.

Because of these mineral deficiencies the varicose veins are just an outward sign of even more that is going on throughout the body. These "varicose veins" actually appear on organs throughout. When you have varicose veins on the stomach it is a stomach aneurism, varicose veins in the brain is brain aneurism, varicose veins in the rectum are hemorrhoids. All these manifestations of the same mineral deficiency lead to a wide range of problems and in the case of a rupture, possibly death. All of these problems can be avoided and reversed by providing the body with all of the 90 known essential nutrients it needs to support and repair the affected tissue.

Think about this, you are driving down the interstate when the little red warning light comes on. What do you do? Do you cut the little red warning light, ignore it and keep going or do you stop to find out what the problem is? If you cut the warning light what happens? Eventually the car breaks down. If it was serious enough of a problem then the breakdown can be catastrophic rendering the car absolutely useless.

Consider this; the varicose veins are actually the body's little red warning light. People die of ruptured aneurisms all the time without warning. For those people that actually can see the varicose veins in their legs, they are fortunate enough to be getting a red warning light. So do you go to the doctor and let him "cut the red warning light" by ignoring it? Do you let the doctor treat the problem with a procedure that never addresses the underlying problem or do you take matters into your own hand and do what it takes to provide the body with the fuel that it needs to support and repair itself?

I have teamed up with a world renowned physician that specializes in restoring the body to the health that it was divinely designed to have. If you give us 90 days we can show you how you can reduce and eventually eliminate the varicose veins and any underlying related conditions before it is too late.

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist - Marketing Director

To Contact Me Visit:

Vitamin D Protects Against Colds

Once again, Vitamin D is shown to protect against colds, influenza and viral infections:

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Create Wealth!

6 Jumbo Jets Fall Out of the Sky EVERY DAY!

When you are on the front line of medical care it gets really frustrating when regulatory agencies pretend that vitamins are dangerous. In fact over a twenty-seven year period, vitamin supplements have been alleged to have caused the deaths of a total of eleven people in the United States. However a new analysis of US poison control center annual report data indicates that there have, in fact, been no deaths whatsoever from vitamins . . . none at all, in the 27 years that such reports have been available. And the regulatory agencies ignore published statistics showing that government-sanctioned medicine is the real hazard.

Let me share some statistics with you: 
  • 2.2 million people per year have in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs
  • 20 million unnecessary antibiotics are prescribed annually for viral infections
  • 7.5 million people have unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually
  • 8.9 million people are exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually
  • 783,936 deaths per year are caused by conventional medicine
It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5)

That’s the equivalent of 6 jumbo jets falling out of the sky EVERY DAY!

Each year 16.4 million people enter a hospital. Here are some statistics based on that figure:
  • In 16.4 million people, a 2.1% chance (affecting 186,000) of a serious adverse drug reaction
  • In 16.4 million people, a 5-6% chance (affecting 489,500) of acquiring a nosocomial infection
  • In16.4 million people, a 4-36% chance (affecting 1.78 million) of having an iatrogenic injury (medical error and adverse drug reactions).
  • In 16.4 million people, a 17% chance (affecting 1.3 million) of a procedure error.
These statistics are based on one year. If we take those same statistics and expand them over a 10 year period the numbers get truly frightening. 

That is 7.8 million deaths in 10 years which is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history. 
  • 9 million (8,925,033) people were hospitalized unnecessarily in 2001
  • 23% of all admissions were inappropriate and an additional 17% could have been handled in outpatient clinics.
  • Only 10-20% of all procedures currently used in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious by controlled trial
  • 108,800 premature deaths due to malnutrition in nursing homes.
  • 2.2 million serious injuries due to prescribed drugs which amounts to a cost of $12 billion dollars per year
  • JAMA study that estimated an average of 106,000 prescription medication deaths per year.
  • As many as one-third of postmenopausal women use HRT. This number is important in light of the much-publicized Women's Health Initiative Study, which was halted before its completion because of a higher death rate in the synthetic estrogen-progestin (HRT) group.
  • JAMA study found the following significant levels of inappropriate surgery: 17% of coronary angiography procedures, 32% of carotid endarterectomy procedures, and 17% of upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy procedures.Based on the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) statistics provided by the government for 2001, 697,675 upper gastrointestinal endoscopies (usually entailing biopsy) were performed, as were 142,401 endarterectomies and 719,949 coronary angiographies. Extrapolating the JAMA study's inappropriate surgery rates to 2001 produces 118,604 unnecessary endoscopy procedures, 45,568 unnecessary endarterectomies, and 122,391 unnecessary coronary angiographies.
  • 12,000 deaths occur each year from unnecessary surgeries, results from the few studies that have measured unnecessary surgery directly indicate that for some highly controversial operations, the proportion of unwarranted surgeries could be as high as 30%.
With these statistics in mind let me ask,

I just don’t get it. 

No deaths whatsoever from vitamins and nutrition yet we ignore the overwhelming evidence the body can, given the proper amounts of essential nutrients, support and promote proper maintenance and repair.

For information on what you can do to prevent yourself from becoming one of these statistics, contact me:

Can The Middle Class be Saved?

Can The Middle Class be Saved?


I just saw that headline on the cover of “The Atlantic” magazine. I don’t remember which issue it was but it was from a 2011 issue.


It really made me stop and think. Things are really changing fast and it seems that the middle class is taking the brunt of the chaos in the economy. Jobs are vanishing at a record rate. Even as a pharmacist I am seeing major changes. Just 2 years ago there was a major shortage of pharmacists with the rapid rise of baby boomers starting to reach retirement age and rapid increases in medical needs there seemed to be no relief of the pharmacist shortage in sight. Just like other areas of employment In the blink of an eye however that has changed. Now when a vacancy comes up in the field there are dozens of eligible pharmacist from all over the country applying for the spot.


I know this same situation is occurring in all areas of middle class employment. The number of people losing their jobs seems to be outpacing the number of good, well paid jobs being created. Just as an example when the local automobile manufacturer announced that they were adding additional lines to their plant thousands of people applied for the spots.


Everything seems dire.


However the winds of change are blowing. More and more people are turning to home based businesses as the answer. A home based business offers flexibility never experienced by most “employees.”.


There is more time freedom which equates to a better quality of life for families. There is more financial freedom because the only limit is limits you set on yourself. And finally there is the freedom to take your business in whichever direction you prefer.


So can the middle class be saved?


I say yes they can and to accomplish that I have teamed up with a group of home based business entrepreneurs, people just like you, that would gladly share with you how we and many more like us are doing just that, saving the middle class. Just visit my website, and watch the short video titled “Brilliant Compensation.” Tim Sales will introduce you to the concept of a home based business that has low startup costs but unlimited upside potential. When you have completed the video be sure to click on the contact button at the top of the page and I will get back with you right away. We can then discuss exactly what types of businesses are available and see if there is something that will fit your personality.


Oh, and by the way be sure to ask me about a free report that will show you how to evaluate home based business opportunities.


Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist – Marketing Director

ABC News Report on "Aspirin Bleeding Risks Outweigh Benefits"

ABC News Reports "Aspirin Bleeding Risks Outweigh Benefits"

Ok here we go again. Several people I know contacted me about a news report on ABC that stated that Aspirin Bleeding Risks Outweigh Benefits and they wanted to know more details so I pulled the article. It was published in JAMA this past week.

As many of you have heard me state in the past, one of my professors in pharmacy school said that when looking at a published article to be sure to ask who stands to lose or gain from the results of the report. So before I read the article I wanted to take a look at the authors and their background. I found that a couple of them have received compensation from Bayer in the past and one from Bristol Myers. At first thought you would think that an report that was negative would hurt Bayer so this may be a pretty groundbreaking report but upon further looking I found just the opposite, this would help Bayer and their sales of PPI (proton Pump Inhibitors). You see in the conclusion of the article they authors suggested that taking the aspirin with a PPI might be a way to reduce the risk of bleeding while maintaining the benefits of the aspirin.

Ok, with that in mind I decided to look to see if there was anything in the study which could push things toward the outcome that they desired. The study reports that they only looked at low dose aspirin therapy and came to the conclusion that it has a high risk of bleeding that outweighs the benefits. What I noticed was that the study authors designated low dose therapy as doses of 300mg or less. The authors even stated in their report that the usual definition of low dose (as defined by the American Diabetes Association) is 75 to 162 mg so that makes me wonder, why did they use a higher threshold for their definition of low dose therapy?

This research may very well be correct and the risks may be higher than we all suspected in the past. It would have been nice if they only included doses ranging between 75 and 162 mg as the definition of “low dose” therapy but they didn’t and we have no way of knowing what the statistical significance it would have made. Once again in my opinion big Pharma is really looking out for their own bottom line and disguising it in a way that it appears that they have our best interest in mind.

Folks if you truly want to reduce the risk of cardio-vascular events then please be sure you are supplementing with ALL 90 essential nutrients at doses appropriate to body weight, stay away from the bad stuff as defined by Drs Peter Glidden and Joel Wallach, and increase your consumption of antioxidants considerably. Be sure to contact me about the exact course of action you should be taking based on your individual circumstances.

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist – Marketing Director
Youngevity Essential Life Sciences



Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fish Oil

This study (Ann Rheum Dis. 1990 Feb;49(2):71-2. ) shows that dietary fish oil supplementation is effective in suppressing clinical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. If you suffer from RA did your MD share this information with you? If not let's talk!

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Create Wealth!