Whooo Hoooo! We Are In The Top 100 Again!

We made the top 100 again. This time they compiled the list of the top 101 counties in the USA with the highest average weight of females in the population. Jefferson County Ky. ranked 39! Whooo Hoooo!


Ok, 'nuff said. This is absolutely an unacceptable situation. We CAN do something about this. Go to my new website and watch the video I did. I compiled all my research on Weight Management, Why Diets Fail and How to have Permanent Success and put it into a 30 minute video. Also I am putting all together a Mastermind Group to tackle this problem. I have teamed up with Dr Stan Frager, author of “The Champion Within” and Dr Joel Wallach, author of “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” to get this message out to the Kentuckianna region. Watch my video then contact me to find out how you can help (and get paid well for the effort).


Go to http://WhyDoDietsFail.com then contact me after at (502) 410-DIET


Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI


(502) 410-3438


Gen-Y's Not Lazy! They Just Need Real Goals With Real Rewards.

Hello, I wanted to address this blog post today to Generation Y.


Are you bored with the same old monotonous routine at work, day after day?


Does it upset you that the older folks think your generation is lazy?

Are you frustrated by the fact that you don’t see any REAL increase in salary for the foreseeable future?


Are you overwhelmed with student loan debt that you see no way out of?


Struggling to pay rent or worst yet are you tired of living with your parents?


Does saving for a car or even a home seem impossible?


Tired of working crazy hours with no social life and nothing to show for it?


I’m Keith Abell, a home based business entrepreneur. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, half of Gen-Y-ers have taken jobs they don’t want just to pay the bills and 1 out of 3 of you have delayed marriage or parenthood because of the economy.  The survey also found that more than 80% of Americans believe it’s harder for your generation to find jobs today than it was for us when we started out. Economic data actually backs up these beliefs. As you know, employment rates among your generation are at an all-time low with only 54% able to find employment, and those of you who are employed full-time have experienced a bigger drop in weekly earnings than any other age group.


It’s pretty clear that you guys are facing a lot of things that my generation didn’t face when starting out like high student loan debt and very low job placement rates among recent grads. That’s a devastating combination.


The reality is that it’s far bleaker for your generation than what we experienced. Costs for basics such as housing, insurance, or education have escalated exponentially and at the same time income growth for the middle class has slowed or even reversed. There’s also more disparity between the rich and the poor. By following the traditional route of going to school, getting a degree, and getting a job you’re going to have a harder time because the amounts of money you’ll have to come up with to even do as well as we did is going to be harder to achieve.


Even though a lot of older folks think your generation is lazy studies show that Gen-Y-ers are actually a highly motivated, goal oriented group. 81% of Gen-Y-ers surveyed said getting rich is your generations most important or second most important life goal. 51% also said the same thing about becoming famous and you can blame that in part on my generation because we raised you guys in the glow of our ever-present video cameras, capturing and bragging about your every accomplishment.


The other defining characteristic of your generation is optimism. While most young adults surveyed said they can’t currently afford the life they want, 9 out of 10 said they will earn enough to live the life of their dreams in the future.


Combine this motivation and optimism with the anything-is-possible attitude typical of your generation and experts say that even among Gen-Y-ers that grew up with lower economic means, there is optimism that fame and fortune can happen to anyone.


While the current state of the US economy has created a system that is stacked against you, your generation is willing to think outside the box. And that is exactly what I want to show you, I want to encourage you to think outside the box.


Let me ask you which is better, to get paid one time for something you do, so to get paid again you have to do it over and over again or is it better to get paid over and over again for something you did one time? Well in the traditional way of earning an income, the way most of your parents did it, the way you were taught in school, is to go out and get a job; To do the same thing over and over again, day after day. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. I don’t care if you are a sanitation worker, if you work in a factory, if you’re a teacher, nurse, or even if you are a highly paid attorney or doctor. If you want to continue to get paid you have to get up every day and do it over and over again, and the statistics show that type of monotony does not appeal to your generation.


Believe me, I’ve been a pharmacist now for almost 20 years and even thought the pay was great, it really gets monotonous counting pills, fighting with doctors and insurance companies, day after day. Financially it was a very rewarding career but if I wanted to get paid I had to show up to work every day. The job owned me instead of me owning the job.


Even if you work for yourself, the same thing applies. If you sale real estate, you have to make a sale or you don’t get paid; If you are a doctor in private practice you have to see patients or you don’t get paid. If you own a service business, you have to continue to provide your service or you don’t get paid.


I had a friend of mine whose dad was a dentist. She told me one time that they really lived well off his dental salary. They took nice vacations, had a nice home, all the things they wanted or needed around them. She said when she was much older and the family took a vacation to Disneyland she noticed how tense her dad was when they got back so she asked him about it. He shared with her something she never thought about when she was younger. She said she knew that vacations like Disneyland where expensive but her dad pointed out that not only did he have to consider the cost of the vacation; he also had to take into consideration the cost of not being in the office for two weeks. He said, “You see, being self employed, if I don’t work, no money is coming in and I don’t get paid.” Also if one of his patients had an emergency while he was away and had to go to another dentist, if for some reason the patient connected better with that dentist he also could lose the patient. So being self employed, there are a lot more costs to consider when taking time away from the job.


Back to the question, which is better, to get paid one time for something you do so to get paid again you have to do it over and over again or is it better to get paid over and over again for something you did one time? Let me give you a couple examples of doing something once and getting paid over and over. You see the famous people, people like movie stars, singers, professional athletes with endorsement deals, these people do things once, make a movie, cut a record, record a television commercial, and they get a residual check; they get  paid over and over again. They only did the movie once; they only recorded the CD once; they only stared in the television commercial once.


So let me ask the question one more time, which is better, to get paid one time for something you do so to get paid again you have to do it over and over again or is it better to get paid over and over again for something you did one time?  


Are you ready to think outside the box?


I want to show you a way that you can build your own business; a business that will create a residual income; a business that you own instead of it owning you, you control instead of the business controlling you. You control how much you want to work and how much you want to earn.


You know, 20 years ago someone showed me this business. At the time I was so entrenched in the traditional way, go to school, get a job, and build a retirement nest egg. I was so enculturated in that idea that I really didn’t take a close look at it and just brushed it off as a get rich quick scheme. I wish I had taken a closer look then because had I done so the residual income at this stage in my life would have been incredible. But instead I didn’t think outside the box. I went to school; got my degree; earned an incredible income but when the economy turned south I lost that j.o.b. and was forced by circumstances to think outside the box. My kids are a part of your generation and this is something I’m now teaching my kids to do.


I want to encourage you if you are ready to step outside the box and take control of your future. If you are ready to build the income you desire; if you are ready to have the time freedom to work when and where you want, and with whom you want; if you are ready to build that residual income then I want to show you a very simple system to do just that.


The first step is to visit my website, NoMoreBoss.info. On that site after viewing a short message from me you will find 2 videos. One explains what rich people do with their money; the other explains this idea of residual compensation in more detail. After you watch the videos complete the contact form at the bottom of the page. This will then direct you an assessment tool to help you determine if you can be successful. Myself or one of my associates will contact you within a couple days to talk about your desires and goals and see if we can work together to get you where you want to be.


Not till God tells me…..

Not till God tells me…..

"Dan! I'm feeling like I'm in a dead-end situation, but I'm not going to move until God tells me to do so!"

I received this note recently from a reader – and it represents thousands of similar notes I've received over the years.

"Dan, I'm miserable, frustrated, anxious, sick, exhausted, bored, nervous, worried, concerned, restless, fearful, frightened, apprehensive, troubled, upset, angry, exasperated, incensed, infuriated, discouraged, aggravated, maddened, offended, disappointed, distressed, anguished, tormented, suffering, afflicted, suffering, persecuted" – well, you get the idea.

The challenging thing is to know how God "tells" us to move. My observation is that it's usually not an audible voice but rather in experiencing frustration, anxiety, physical maladies and lack of peace.

48 Days Coach Joel Boggess recently added:  "Maybe the burning bush scene that a lot of folks (with the best of intentions) hope to see, happens internally and consumes from within."  Wow – I think that's profound.  The burning bush we are hoping to see is actually consuming us from the inside out with our anxiety and anger.

Uncertainty, frustration in or even losing a job or business can often be simply a prod to a higher level of success.  The eagles build a nest using thornbush strands to lock it together.  Then they cover them with leaves and feathers to make it soft and comfortable.  However, when the eaglets are about twelve weeks old, mom and dad eagles begin to remove the protection from the thorns.  Pretty soon the little eaglets are up on the edge of the nest to avoid the pain and discomfort.  Then mom and dad eagle fly by with tasty morsels of food just out of reach.  Soon the little eaglet makes a big leap to get away from the pain and the hunger, and you know what happens – rather than the anticipated crashing on the rocks below, he learns he can fly.  I truly believe that oftentimes God allows circumstances in our lives, not to leave us in pain or hungry, but to lead us to higher levels of success that we would not otherwise explore.

If we don't respond to the discomfort, how do we really expect God to move us?  Do you wait until you're fired and then assume God did that?  Do you wait until you have ulcers?  Or until you are so frustrated that you lash out at someone in anger?

Recognize that a "dead-end situation" may itself be God's way of trying to get you to move.  Don't expect Him to come down here, grab you by the collar and jerk you out of there.  You've got to move yourself.

See this time in your life as one of those times – the beginning of a new season in your life.  And see this opportune time and the desire to find the work that God has for you to do as some of those thorns that are causing you to look for some new alternatives
Dan Miller 48days.com


Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Create Wealth!

Cholesterol Revisted

Back in 2010 I originally posted this blog about cholesterol. On october 23, 2012 the 700 club had a news report on about statin drugs and why they are dangerous and unecessary. (see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/healthscience/2012/October/Cholesterol-Myth-What-Really-Causes-Heart-Disease/ )

Here is my reposted blog entry:

Cholesterol and Statin Drugs

First I want to start out by saying I am not a doctor and I am not making a diagnosis or treating any medical condition. I am not suggesting that anyone stop any medications they are currently taking without consulting with their physician first.

The intent of this discussion is for educational and informational purposes only.

Centuries ago there was some excellent advice given to physicians that bears repeating now:
“The physician is only the servant of nature, not her master.
 Therefore it behooves medicine to follow the will of nature”
Paracelsus 1493-1541                                                                       

How ironic is it that medicine has forgotten this sage advice. Now, at the first sign of elevated cholesterol instead of turning to nature to try to find out what is causing the elevated cholesterol. Medicine takes the easy way out and immediately prescribes a cholesterol lowering drug. As you will see in the following discussion, when confronted with higher than normal cholesterol the body is trying to tell us something is wrong.  With this in mind let’s discuss cholesterol does in the body and what statins do in our bodies.

Several enzymes are involved in your body that are used to produce cholesterol. Cholesterol is a necessary compound in our bodies. We cannot live without cholesterol. It is found in every cell membrane in the body.

Cholesterol is used by the body to produce the adrenal hormones; testosterone, progesterone, estrone, DHA, and cortisol just to name a few. When these hormones are out of balance you get autoimmune disorders, fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, low libido, cancer and more. Also when they are out of balance it can cause allergies, asthma, blood sugar problems, inflammation, reproductive problems and more.  Our bodies must maintain the proper balance of all these hormones to function optimally.

Several factors can cause the hormone system to become out of balance. Primarily these include poor diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, environmental toxins and adverse drug reactions.

What happens when the hormone systems are out of balance? Thankfully, when we were designed we were equipped with the ability to compensate for this so we can continue to live. For instance if we have a deficiency in one of these critical hormones the body detects the deficiency then it signals to increase the production of the compounds that are needed to produce the hormone and in this case that compound is cholesterol.

When the healthcare professional does the blood test to detect cholesterol levels they see the increase in cholesterol. They then immediately start treating it with drugs to get the cholesterol back down to the “normal” range without ever trying to figure out why it was elevated in the first place. We use a drug to lower the cholesterol back down, this then causes the body to not be able to correct whatever hormone deficiency that triggered the increase. Without correcting the deficiency our bodies then begin to exhibit the different medical problems discussed earlier.

What does cholesterol do in the body? Is cholesterol the villain? Is cholesterol so bad that even healthy people need to take cholesterol medications to get their numbers down even lower?

Cholesterol is needed to maintain a healthy immune system and to maintain an optimally functioning hormone system. 

There are five major functions of cholesterol in our bodies.

1.    Cholesterol and Vitamin D

Cholesterol is used to make vitamin D. Without adequate levels of cholesterol we become vitamin D deficient. Everyone knows that vitamin D is important for our bones but it is also critical to maintain a well functioning immune system.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many cancers including breast, colon and prostate cancers.
There have been numerous reports in the media lately about the deficiency of vitamin D. Of course they always mention the fact that we no longer get adequate amounts of sunshine to produce vitamin D naturally. What they fail to mention is that sharp increase in the use of cholesterol lowering drugs has also lead to an increase in vitamin D deficiency.

2.    Cholesterol is necessary for mineral absorption and digestion of fats
Cholesterol is the main ingredient in bile salts. Fat absorption is not possible without bile salts. This then leads to a deficiency of all the fat soluble vitamins; A, D, E, and K. Once again these deficiencies lead to many medical conditions.

3.    Cholesterol is part of every cell of the body
Trillions of cells use cholesterol to build their structure. It is the “glue” that holds the lipid layers together. It gives the cell membrane the strength it needs. Without it the cells become leaky and this
leads to chronic illness and cancer

4.    Cholesterol and the nervous system
It is needed for the myelin sheath that covers all nerve cells. It is important for memory function. It is the main organic molecule in the brain.
Brain fog is very common in people with low cholesterol levels.
It is also important for neurotransmitter function including serotonin. Low cholesterol levels inhibit serotonin receptors.

5.    Cholesterol and Immune System
It is necessary for the immune system to fight infections. Inadequate cholesterol levels in men have been associated with lowered levels and responsiveness of immune cells. Fewer circulating lymphocytes, total T-Cells and Helper T-cells.

Now that we have established how critical cholesterol is to our overall health and we have established that elevated cholesterol is a sign of other medical conditions that need to be addressed let’s look at what statins do and don’t do.

The drug manufactures would like us to think that lowering our cholesterol protects us against heart disease. They bombard us and the doctors with drug reps, fancy New York ad campaigns, and important sounding studies all claiming that lowering our cholesterol lowers are risk of heart attacks. The wizard of oz looked important too until the curtain was pulled back. Let’s look behind the curtain at the research and see what is really true.

If reducing cholesterol levels lowers the risk of heart disease you would assume that people who lower their cholesterol levels will live longer compared to those who do not lower cholesterol levels. The most important statistic of any study is the mortality rate – how many are alive at the end of the study.

Let’s take a close look at the mortality rate of the five studies cited by the American Heart Association.

1.    Heart Protection Study (2002) Over 20,000 adults in UK age 40-80 who were at a high risk for heart disease were followed for 5 years.  They were divided into 2 groups. A placebo group and a group getting simvistatin 40mg/day. At the end of 5 years the placebo group had an 85.4% chance of survival. The statin group had an 87.1% chance of survival. That is not even a 2% difference. In fact the Doctor involved in the study wrote “Low cholesterol concentrations have been related to depression, cognitive impairment, and suppression of the immune system. Does a reduction of 1.7% in mortality balance these risks?” Funny that wasn’t mentioned by the American Heart Association.

2.    Prosper (2002) 5804 adults were examined to look at the effect of pravastatin versus placebo in the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. At the end of the 3 year trial the placebo group had 89.5% alive compared to the treatment group of 89.7% alive. That is only 2 tenths of a percent difference. This is not even statistically significant. As a side note cancer was significantly increased in the treatment group.

3.    ALLHAT (2003) 10,355 adults over 55 were randomized to receive either pravastatin or usual care (which means diet and lifestyle changes). At the end of 6 years 84.7% of the “usual care” group was still alive compared to 85.1% of the statin group. That is again less than 1% difference. Not statistically significant.

4.    ASCOT-LLA 19,342 high blood pressure patients between 40 and 79 with risk factors of cardiovascular disease. The statin group in this case did have reduce the number of cardiac events compared to the placebo group however at the end of 3.3 years 95.9% of the placebo group were still alive compared to 96.4% of the statin group. Only ½ % difference.

5.    PROVE-IT 4,162 patients who had a heart attack or angina were given either Lipitor or Pravachol. In this study there was no placebo group. The absolute reduction in death of Lipitor was 2.2% versus 3.2% from Pravachol.

So when we look at these studies the reduction in the risk of death was insignificant. Does this insignificant change in death rate warrant the increased risks of side effects from statins?
Let’s look at some other studies and what the outcomes of low cholesterol compared to higher cholesterol was:
» In women of all ages and men over 55, higher cholesterol levels may actually result in a decreased mortality (Q J Med 2003;96:927-34)
» One study showed that in the elderly female, a lower cholesterol level (less than 155mg/dl) was associated with  5.2 times higher death rate as compared to a woman with a cholesterol level of 272mg/dl (Lancet 1:868-870. 1989)
» Breast cancer rates in humans that took statins were shown to increase by 1,200% (relative risk)
» JAMA reported on a study of 5,170 subjects taking a statin versus 5,185 subjects treated with “usual care” (lifestyle changes) found that the statin did reduce cholesterol however (not widely reported) the mortality rate between the 2 groups was nearly identical (so why take the statin with all its side effects) also the coronary heart disease rates were not different between the control group and the statin group (JAMA Dec 18, 2002 18;288:2998-3007)
» The Framingham study (one of the longest ongoing studies on heart disease) reports after 30 years of follow up, there is no increased overall mortality with subjects with high cholesterol for those over 50. Furthermore, researchers reported that FALLING cholesterol levels were found to increase the cardiovascular death rate – a 14% increase for every 1mg/dl drop in cholesterol. (JAMA Vol 257. No 16, 4.24.1987)
»  A study of 11,563 subjects found that those with cholesterol below 160mg/dl had 49% increases in all-cause mortality as compared to those subjects with a cholesterol level over 160mg/dl. Non cardiac death increased 2.27 times in the low cholesterol group compared to the control group (Eur Heart Journal 1997 18, 52-59)
» In 977 elderly patients (>70 y/o) studied, researchers found no correlation between elevated cholesterol levels and increases in mortality from coronary heart disease, all-cause mortality or hospitalization from heart attacks or angina. (JAMA Vol 272 No 17 Nov 2, 1994)
» Studies have found a correlation with low cholesterol levels and increased risk of mortality from cancer of the lung, liver, pancreas and bone marrow as well as increased risk of death from respiratory, hepatic and digestive disease (Arch. Intern. Med 192;152. 1490=1500)
» A study of 5,491 men aged 45-68 y/o found that falling cholesterol levels from 180-239mg/dl down to less than 180mg/dl were associated with a 30% higher risk of all-cause mortality and a significant increased risk of death from cancers of the esophagus, prostate, and bone marrow (Circulation 1995;92:2396-2403)

So as seen above the overall mortality rate of taking statins compared to placebo is insignificant. Further the increased risk for mortality from other causes is increased in the lowered cholesterol group. So what exactly does statins do and why does it seem to decrease cardiovascular events?
What are the side effects of Statins?

1.    Muscle Pain and weakness. This is the most common side effect. The drug manufactures report that it occurs 1-5% of the time but I believe this is much higher because I see patients in my pharmacy complaining of this almost on a daily basis.

Why does this happen?

When we block the production of cholesterol with a statin drug we also block the production of a very important co-enzyme. CoQ10. Co-enzyme Q10 is used in the energy production inside of every cell in the body. So when the cells are depleted of this energy source we get fatigue. The cells that comprise the most used muscles in the body are the ones that are affected first. Of course we see this as pain in our arms and legs but there is one muscle that is used even more. In fact this muscle never rests. Of course I am talking about our heart. When muscle pain and weakness occurs our doctors get concerned because they know it can quickly lead to death.

2.    Body aches and Pains these pains are probably related to CoQ-10 as well. The body aches and pains usually go away after the statin drug is discontinued

3.    Heart Failure About 50% of people with heart failure will die within 5 years of their diagnosis. It is the most common reason Medicare patients are admitted to the hospital. An East Texas Medical Center studied 20 healthy patients with normal cardiac function. After 6 months on Lipitor 66% developed problems with diastole—the filling phase of the heart cycle. It is the same problem that congestive heart failure patients experience. They concluded that the statins dose-related depletion of CoQ10 was the culprit.

4.    Brain Fog and Dementia Over 50% of the dry weight of the brain is made of cholesterol. The elderly are even more sensitive to decreased cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels <150mg and="and" brain="brain" cholesterol="cholesterol" compared="compared" consistently="consistently" dementia="dementia" dl="dl" exhibit="exhibit" fog="fog" higher="higher" levels.="levels." p="p" those="those" to="to" with="with">
5.    Cancer All cholesterol drugs have been associated with an increased rate of cancer. Multiple studies have shown that statins have caused cancer in mice. As mentioned above, breast cancer rates in humans have increased 1,200%. Since none of the studies have lasted long enough to determine the exact rates. When you think about what statins do to cholesterol levels and you look at what deficiencies of the different hormones cause, it is easy to see why there is an increase in cancer among those with cholesterol lowered by statins.

6.    Depression There are numerous studies that show a connection between low cholesterol and depression. This is easily understood when you consider that blocking cholesterol production affects the adrenal hormones as well as serotonin receptors. Both conditions have the effect of causing depression.

Do Statins Prevent Heart Attacks?

Well studies have shown that statins do decrease the risk of heart attack. You know what? So does aspirin. In fact a study was conducted that compared those taking statins to a group taking an aspirin a day. This study showed that statin drugs did not reduce cardiovascular events any more than aspirin. What is up with this one? Well it appears that statins not only reduce cholesterol but they also reduce inflammation just like aspirin. It is the reduction of inflammation that appears to have the cardio protective benefits. But with all the potential side effects of cholesterol why risk it when you can achieve the same outcome with aspirin. This is where I think the drug manufactures begin their deceit. Since they cannot sell an expensive new drug to reduce inflammation when aspirin does the same thing for a lot less money, they have created a whole new problem, high cholesterol. They can then patent a whole new class of drugs and treat a whole new condition when in reality it is not the cholesterol that is the problem it is actually inflammation and inflammation can be reduced with a $3 bottle of aspirin not a multi-billion dollar drug.
No wonder our health care system is going broke.

Weight Management, Why Do Diets Fail, and How to Have Success.

Weight Management, Why Do Diets Fail, and How to Have Success.

I finally have all the research complete and I have posted the information in this video an e-book version is coming soon. This is going to be an interesting look at weight management, why diets fail, and what to do to overcome the failures in order to have success in managing ones weight. I purposely used the words “weight management” because the primary goal is not just to lose weight but also to keep it off.

Throughout this video we’ll explore what has led us to become one of the most obese peoples in recoded history. We’ll look into some of the different diet programs out there and discuss why aspects of the diets may or may not work. Finally we’ll look at what needs to be done so people will not only have success with weight loss; but also how to keep the weight off once it is lost.
I hope you enjoy the video. For more information visit: http://HealthyLifestyleChampions.com

Breast Cancer Awareness… How does it affect you?

Breast Cancer Awareness… How does it affect you?

As we begin to see the color pink fill store aisles, internet and television ads, and even the NFL football fields, we know that it's that time of year to raise awareness to a cause near and dear to the entire population. Breast cancer awareness is not just important to women, but also to men who battle breast cancer or who may have wives, sisters, or friends battling the deadly disease.

About 200,000 women and 2,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Breast Cancer is the 3rd deadliest cancer type after lung/bronchial cancer and colon/rectal cancer. Additionally, cancer is the No. 2 cause of death in the United States; heart disease being No. 1. This year 40,000 women and 4,000 men will die from breast cancer in the US.

As staggering as these numbers are, it is also comforting to know that living a healthy lifestyle can decrease your risk of, not only breast cancer, but many fatal illnesses. Yet as simple as this sounds, we live in a country where fast, processed, unhealthy food is the most accessible and most consumed. This is really not a fault of anyone. Several of us work 8, 9, or even long 12 hour days and preparing a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner just isn't a priority sometimes. So we end up consuming unhealthy, nonnutritive food that lacks the essential vitamins and minerals we need to keep our body healthy.

While it would be ideal for most of us to get our nutrients from the food we consume, as we know, this is nearly impossible. It takes a lot of time to plan out and execute a proper nutritional plan that would get you all of your daily essential vitamins and minerals. In spite of our food consumption obstacles, giving your body the tools it needs to fight diseases, help with brain and nerve functions, convert food into energy, and many other necessary functions, doesn't have to be difficult task. You can start just by taking a daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplements.

Dietary supplements, such as those found in the Healthy Start Pak, are tailored to meet the needs of individuals who want to ensure a healthy foundation of vitamins, minerals, and essential amino and fatty acids. When you feed your body the proper nutrients, it will be able to fight off diseases, stay energized, and simply improve your overall health. For women, however, it is also important to feed it other nutrients that are essential to women's bodies, such as Iron and Folic Acid.

Additionally, women are faced with challenges that go beyond getting the daily dose of essential nutrients. Women need to feed their bodies with nourishing supplements that will help them maintain hormonal balance; which is important to their reproductive system. Other than the Healthy Start Pak, supplements such as Youngevity's Women's Hormone Balancer, can help women with changes in mood, sexual desire, fertility, and ovulation. Another beneficial supplement is the Supralife Women's Multi EFA; made from evening primrose oil which has been known to, not only fight eczema but also, support the body in its fight against PMS and Menopausal symptoms including breast pain.

During this month, we not only want to raise awareness for breast cancer, but for all around good health. Let's start by fueling your bodies with the nutrients it needs daily!

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Save Money, Get Healthy, Create Wealth!

21 Best Tips for Prospecting Success

21 Best Tips for Prospecting Success

As I mentioned this blog looks at living a healthy lifestyle and by lifestyle we explore all areas, wellness, emotional, and financial well-being. I firmly believe on the financial side that owning a network marketing business is the best way for the average person to achieve financial success. So today's blog post is to share a tip about how to do just that, have success in network marketing. I invite you to take a look at the business model that in my opinion is the best in the industry. I have spent two years looking at all types of networking companies and I believe that we have the best by a long shot. Our products are clinically proven and I feel very comfortable as a pharmacist to stand behind them which was very important to me. I feel the compensation plan is the best and easiest to achieve of all the plans I looked at. It is designed to give a novice a chance as well as the seasoned professional. I believe the training program, which we call the simple system, truly is the easiest and most rewarding to follow. And finally the people that I have met have been the friendliest and most caring of all the companies I researched. Everyone is more than willing to help out any way they can.

I just wanted to share this list with all my friends that are interested in their financial well-being. I got this list from Todd Falcone, he is a network marketing professional and has some very good training programs. I slightly altered it to reflect what we do in our business. You can view his blog at http://ToddFalcone.com I highly encourage you to subscribe to him if you truly want to be a professional in this business.

1.       Keep your Pipeline Full. I’m not sure who said this but 2 a day 10 in play. It’s hard to make a lot of sales or recruit a lot of people when no one is looking at your product or business. So…my suggestion to you is that you do everything that you can to consistently get more eyeballs on your stuff. Want your business to grow? Get more people to look at it pure and simple. Waiting never made anyone rich.

2.       Track your Numbers. I tell everyone to draw a box on a piece of paper at the end of every day…and in that box, write the number of NEW PEOPLE you talked to that day about your business. When you do that, you get FEEDBACK. You get a reflection of your activity or inactivity levels in your business. You can track the raw numbers of contacts…or you can get even more detailed and track the number of contacts, messages left, presentations given, follow up calls made, etc. and get an even CLEARER IDEA of how many people you personally need to expose to your product or business to make a sale.

3.       Follow up…Fast. I can’t tell you how many people I talk to that say they aren’t good at follow up. The reality isn’t that they aren’t good from a skill standpoint, they simply drop the ball and don’t finish what they started. When you show someone your business and they need to get more information to make an informed decision, find out how soon they can look at it and follow up with them on THAT day. If I know you are going to be looking at my “more information” that I am sending you tomorrow and tomorrow is Tuesday, my question to you will be, “When can I follow up with you tomorrow?” Don’t ever ask, “Can I follow up with you?” Be sure to specify a day…or even a day and time.

4.       Don’t Overload your Prospect. You don’t need to choke your prospect with every piece of information available. Just get them enough so they can begin to understand what it is that you do and how they’d fit into the picture should they decide to do so. Overload creates confusion. Confused people do nothing. You want your prospect to look at your stuff, not be so overwhelmed that they feel intimidated.

5.       Leverage your Leadership. You likely have people in your upline or on your leadership team that are better than you or more experienced. Use them! There’s no better way of learning that putting a good prospect on the phone with someone who has more experience than you. I’m amazed at how many people complain about their lack or results and then I ask them if they’ve ever done a 3-way call with a leader, their answer is NO. Use them…it’s what they’re there for.

6.       Be Genuinely Interested. As Tom Chenault says, “Be interested, not interesting”  People who pitch themselves and their company without every getting to know their prospect likely aren’t getting good results. The more you show genuine interest in someone and their needs, their desires, their dreams and aspirations…the more you’ll attract people. It doesn’t matter how good your product or business is if you don’t care about your prospect. Start showing it through your actions and you’ll start seeing the result in your bonus check.

7.       Listen (pause), then Respond. Too often, people are concerned with telling people about their deal rather than ENGAGING a human being in a real and interactive conversation. If you ask a question…or your prospect asks a question, take a moment and PAUSE before responding. It tells them that you are actually listening, rather than stepping all over the end of their sentence which is a blaring sign of disrespect and clearly shows that you actually aren’t listening at all.

8.       Put your Blinders on and Focus. Tiger Woods doesn’t play tennis. Michael Jordan tried baseball, but it didn’t work out so well for him, did it? Focus on building one company and your money worries will be gone. Build multiple deals and you’ll have money problems multiplied for many years. ’Nuff said? I think so.

9.       Don’t Hover. .Sometimes people get 5 to 10 people looking at their business, and they stop reaching out to more people. Keep moving forward. Keep following up, but don’t hover “hoping” that you’re little group of people you’ve shown your business to are going to set you free for life. Some give you a definitive “no”, and others simply don’t make a decision. If they haven’t made a decision over an extended period of time, they’ve likely made a decision, but simply haven’t told you yet. Move on…find someone else. Just don’t hover.

10.   Dump the Hype. We have enough cheese already in this business, we don’t need any more of it. The “greatest launch in MLM history” has been done a million times over. The “we’re the next billion dollar giant” line only makes you look stupid. Be real with people and be realistic as far as what they will experience in your business and you’ll not only grow a great check, but you’ll grow a great reputation based on being real and genuine in your approach with people.

11.   Employ you. The best question you could ever ask yourself every day is, “Would I hire me?” Would you? I mean that seriously. Look at how you’ve been showing up until right now. Based on how you’ve been showing up in your network marketing business, how would you answer that question? In order to master your prospecting and maximize your potential, you’ve got to be living up to your potential every single day. Start asking yourself that question at the end of every day. If you don’t like the answer, then do something different.

12.   Be Clear with your Desired Outcome. What exactly do you want and when? Do you even know? Do you see it clearly? Have you written it down? It’s hard to get someplace when you don’t even know where you are going. On the other hand, when you know exactly here you are going, it becomes very easy to get there. Everything seems to fall in line for you when you have clarity in your life. Put together a vision board. Write out realistic goals in bite size pieces. Have small victories every day. This goes along with tracking your numbers. Know where your going and how your getting their.

13.   Practice, practice, practice. The only way to get better at anything is to put practice time in. How often are you practicing your approach, your talk, your presentation or your pitch? Do you rehearse what you’re going to do or do you just “wing it”? If the best athletes in the world practice regularly, why shouldn’t you?

14.   Enthusiasm DOES Make the Difference. Brandy, Tom, and many of the FDI leadership understand this. The fact is that people are attracted to individuals who have a burning passion for what they are doing. It is literally contagious. Boring, hum-drum, blah isn’t fun to be around. In fact, it’s the reverse of fun. We are in business for ourselves, get to come and go as we please, live life on our terms and do whatever the heck we want to do whenever we feel like it. There is something to get excited about in all of that, don’t you think? But…does that come out in your prospecting? Can you prospect “feel” your excitement for what you do? If not…change it.

15.   Under-Promise and Over-Deliver. Nothing is more disappointing than someone who tells you they are going to do something and then they fail to do it. If you make a promise, keep it. If you say something, then do it. Seems pretty simple, but people fall short of their promises all the time, and as a result, so does their check and their overall success.

16.   Be Consistent. Want success in your business? Do it every day. Nothing good happens for someone who does something every once in a while, or when they feel like it. In fact…when you don’t “feel” like doing something, that’s probably a really good sign that you need to be doing more of that something. Do something every day, you’ll get really, really good at it. Do it every once in a while and you’ll always be average at it.

17.   Recruit up. You want to be looking UP. Who do you want? Good people or people that aren’t good? Obviously, you want the former. So…when it comes to your recruiting and selling, look for those with talent and abilities, people that CAN do what we do. It makes the business fun…and far more profitable in the long-term.

18.   Ask for Referrals. I could talk about this until I am blue in the face, and still people don’t get it. You don’t get anything you don’t ask for in life. If you’d like to make your leads list last forever and continue to grow your business organically, then asking for referrals is something you’ve got to start doing. The more you ask, the more you’ll get. I’ve gotten referrals that have led me to literally tens of thousands of dollars in income. In fact…I’ve probably made in excess of 6-figures just by asking for a referral. If you knew that would happen for your, would it cause you to start asking? You’ll never know until you ask.

19.   Harness the Power of Projection. When you are working outside of your warm market and contacting people who you don’t know yet, use that to your advantage. The fact they don’t know you gives you power. It gives you the power to project whatever image you choose. So…if you’re working out of a garage or your basement, you don’t have to act like it. I know someone that  literally got to his first $10,000 month in network marketing working out of a garage, but his prospects never knew it. Why? He acted “as if”. He acted as if He was already successful and they accepted it as their reality of me. Fake it till you make it

20.   Model Success. Don’t change it. When someone is willing to show you how to do something that you don’t yet know how to do…and they’re really willing to share with you exactly how they did it, don’t re-invent what they’ve shown you…model it, copy it, do it, just don’t change it!

21.   Take Responsibility for yourself. No one but you is going to create success for you. Blaming others, your comp plan, your upline or system for your lack of success doesn’t cut it. If you’re doing that, my question for you is, “How’s that working for you?” Blaming, justifying and making excuses is the opposite of accountability. You’ll win because you chose to win and because you acted like a winner. Failures blame others for their lack of success. Winners accept responsibility for their actions, good or bad. You’re an independent entrepreneur. Act like it.
      Keith Abell, RPh
Pharmacist - Wellness Consultant
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After all what good is your health if you have no wealth, and
What good is your wealth if you have poor health.