- If we sweat out all of our selenium during exercise and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing cardiomyopathy.
- If we sweat out all of our chromium and vanadium during exercise and don't replace them by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing low blood sugar, diabetes, depression or antisocial behavior.
- If we sweat out all of our lithium and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing depression, manic depression or addiction to alcohol or drugs.
- If we sweat out all of our copper and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing joint and/or cartilage problems, varicose veins or a fatal ruptured aneurysm.
- If we sweat out all of our gallium and don't replace it by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing a brain tumor.
- If we sweat out significant amounts of calcium, magnesium manganese, sulfur, boron and strontium and we don't replace them by supplementation, we are at high risk of developing joint, cartilage and bone degeneration (arthritis) or injuries (hairline fractures, fractures).
Reflux - Indigestion
Reflux occurs when the "valve" at the top of the stomach doesn't close properly and stomach acid "leaks" into the esophagus. Doctors are concerned about the condition because over time as this acid backs up into the esophagus it erodes the lining. If this occurs over a long enough period of time it can lead to esophageal cancer. Armed with this knowledge the first approach of traditional medicine is to treat the symptom, reflux, instead of getting to the bottom of why the valve is leaking. Traditional medicine reasons that we must neutralize the acid so when it does "reflux" it won't do any more damage.
The FDA is now warning that long term use of these products is causing a few issues. First of all the are seeing an increase in bone fractures among people using these medications and secondly they are seeing an increase in vitamin B-12 deficiencies. To understand these dangers one must look at what the function of the stomach is and then ask critically, "If I decrease stomach acid over a long period of time what happens and why?"
Acid is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. This is called the pH scale. The lower the number on the scale the more acid the environment. Neutral pH is 7.0. Our blood stream for comparison must maintain a pH of 7.365 which is basically neutral.
Our stomach on the other-hand must maintain a pH of less than 2. This is like battery acid. The pH must be this low so a few different functions can occur.
First the stomach must be below 2.0 so it can break down minerals to allow for proper absorption.
Second It must be below 2 so the body can break down protiens int their usable amino acid components.
And third, it must be below a pH of 2.0 so it can produce the necessary cofactors that allow for efficient absorption of Vitamin B-12.
So right away we can identify 3 potential major problems related to nutrient deficiencies by "neutralizing" stomach acid.
So we can see why neutralizing the acid is bad so how do we stop the reflux?
We need to find out why the valve is leaking in the first and that in most cases is related to our diet.
In the American diet today most people drink some sort of carbonated beverage with our meal. The carbonation in the drink neutralizes the stomach acid, raising the pH above 2.0 and we already discussed what that does to absorption but it also creates an environment that allows for bacterial and yeast growth. Add to the carbonation the large amount of sugar and other carbs in our diet we now have the perfect conditions for fermentation. A byproduct of the fermentation process is gas bubbles which tends to force the valve to open and we get reflux. Now add to that the fact that we supersize everything and over eat this then forces the valve open as well.
Another problem with the american diet has been that doctors have told us salt is bad for us and they have had us cut our salt intake dramatically. Salt is necessary for the production of stomach acid. Also Harvard did a study on salt and cardiovascular disease and found there was NO correlation to salt intake and cardiovascular disease yet the doctors still have us cut our salt intake.
Even though we have lowered the acid level with the carbonation and cutting our salt intake the stomach pH is still below 7.0 so it is still acid enough to cause erosion and esophageal damage therefore traditional medicine, treating symptoms, lower the acid further to keep the reflux from causing damage instead of fixing the problem. This is leading to all kinds of mineral, amino acid, and vitamin deficiency problems. Traditional medicine isn't adding 1 and 1 together because they are so blindly entrenched into the mindset of disease and symptom management that they don't see the big picture!
So how do we fix it. We must increase stomach acid. We must get it back below 2.0. This will destroy the bad bacteria and yeast because they can't survive in that environment. To do this we must eliminate carbonated beverages; we must increase our salt intake to taste; we must increase our protein consumption to give the body the amino acids it needs; we must supplement with all 90 known essential nutrients and we must replenish the critical digestive enzymes that we have destroyed.
For a complete program designed by Dr Wallach to accomplish all of this contact me. If you "Give Doc 90 Days" you will begin to see dramatic changes in your health. I have looked at the research and compared it to what I learned in pharmacy school and have concluded (and have actually witnessed it myself) that the science behind this holistic approach to nutrition and wellness is sound and really works.
Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
$10 Path to Finacial Freedom
Why is Celiac Disease on the Rise?
Why is Celiac Disease on the Rise?
Aug 23, 2011
Nearly five times as many Americans have celiac disease today than in the 1950s, a recent study of 9,133 young adults at Warren Air Force Base found. Another recent report found that the rates of celiac disease have doubled every 15 years since 1974. The debilitating digestive disease is now estimated to afflict about 1 in 100 Americans. Why is exposure to gluten--a protein in found in barley, wheat, rye, and possibly oats, as well as other everyday products, including some brands of lipstick, vitamins and lip balms—making more people sick than ever before?
To find out more about celiac disease and the health effects of gluten-free diets, I talked to Christina Tennyson, MD of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University in New York City.
Eating gluten-free requires planning your meals: Tips for Stress-Free Cooking.
What is celiac disease? A debilitating digestive disorder, celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten. When people with the disease eat foods that contain gluten, a damaging reaction occurs in the lining of the small intestines, blocking its ability to absorb certain nutrients. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition, even if the person is eating a seemingly healthy diet.
What are the symptoms? One reason why this autoimmune disease often goes undiagnosed for as long as 10 years is that symptoms can vary from person to person. Among the more common warning signs of celiac disease are abdominal pain, bloating, gassiness, diarrhea, constipation, lactose intolerance, nausea and fatigue.
How serious is it? Because celiac disease robs the body of vital nutrients, people who have it are at increased risk for anemia and osteoporosis. People who have celiac disease and don’t eat a gluten-free diet also face a higher threat of bowel cancer and intestinal lymphoma. The Air Force Base study found that during 45 years of follow-up, those with undiagnosed celiac disease were four times more likely to die.
What causes it? Although the cause isn’t fully understood, two genes are known to play a role, says Dr. Tennyson.
Why are rates rising? One theory is that today’s grain-based foods contain more gluten than they did in the past. Another is that kids are exposed to gluten at an earlier age, contributing to increased risk. A frequently proposed explanation is the “hygiene hypothesis,” the theory that we are too clean for our own good, resulting in weaker immune systems because we’re not exposed to as many diseases.
Does a gluten-free diet help people lose weight? Many gluten-free foods are actually higher in calories than their gluten-containing counterparts and therefore lead to weight gain, reports Dr. Tennyson. “One of the pitfalls is that these foods are often highly processed and high in fat. Some ingredients that are used are low in fiber, such as white rice flour, tapioca and corn starch, causing constipation.” To avoid these problems, people with celiac disease should work with a nutritionist, she advises.
Does a gluten-free diet have any health benefits if you don’t have celiac disease? Possibly. In a randomized study in which neither the researchers nor the participants knew if the foods they were eating contained gluten or not, 68 percent of people who thought that a gluten-free diet improved their GI symptoms reported worsening of their symptoms when they were fed gluten-containing foods without their knowledge. However, the study only looked at 34 patients. Use of gluten-free diets for other conditions, such as autism, is highly controversial.
How trustworthy is gluten-free labeling? While products as diverse as lipstick brands to chocolate and many types of groceries carry gluten-free labeling, right now, there are no legal standards that have to be met in the US. In 27 other countries, food labeled as gluten-free food can’t have more than 20 parts of gluten per million. Nearly three years after the FDA’s deadline for a rule to define “gluten-free,” the agency is finally getting serious about tackling the dangerous risks people with celiac disease can face due to misleading labeling.
What’s the treatment? Although there’s no cure, symptoms can be effectively controlled through dietary changes to avoid all foods with gluten. However, if you think you might have celiac disease, don’t start a gluten-free diet until you’ve been tested for the condition, since eliminating gluten can cause misleading test results, cautions Dr. Tennyson. Because the disease can also spark vitamin and mineral deficiencies, patients may also need supplements (see TheRx4Health.com ). For people with severe small intestine inflammation, doctors sometimes prescribe steroids.
Can I get all the nutrients I need from my diet?
Can I get all the nutrients I need from my diet? - Post
Why Do Couch Potatoes Live Longer Than The Average Athlete?
Dr. Wallach has a unique hobby, collecting MD obituaries. Here is one case:
Dr. W.T.N. taught at Harvard, was cardiac expert for NBA, and finished the Boston Marathon three times. You guessed it- he died one and a half years after Reggie from the same type of heart attack. Dr. W.T.N. forgot that the human body needs something more than drugs, pacemakers and surgery. They both died from mineral deficiencies.
Why are athletes dropping dead at early ages? Why are they not faring as well compared to couch potato's? That's because athlete's sweat more in 5 years than couch potato's do in 75 years. And when you sweat your not just sweating out water or Gatorade, your sweating out a soup that contains all 60 essential minerals and they are called essential minerals because if any of them are missing for any length of time, you get some horrible degenerative disease, many of which are life threatening. So this is a no brainer folks...
Who is more likely to die of a life threatening mineral deficiency disease, an athlete sweating out quarts and quarts of this mineral rich soup everyday or a couch potato in an air conditioned den, laying on the couch belching and flipping through the channels?
Now the bottom line message here is this, you don't need to be an athlete to sweat, you can be in the military doing your training. You could be a roofer, a carpenter, an electrician, a plumber, a carpet layer, you can be a farmer, you could be a dance instructor, you could work in a bakery, you could work in an air conditioned insurance agency where its so cold like it is in here you could hang meat in there you know, never sweat at your work place, an then you know your being inactive so you join a health club, where you go sweat 3 nights a week. Unless your replacing the minerals your sweating out, your not going to make it to 100. Your going to be sick and miserable the last 12 to 15 years of your life. Exercise without supplementation is suicide. Exercise without supplementation is a negative, not a positive. Just like running your car without oil.
The next medical dogma or lie were going to look at has to do with this salt thing. Believe it or not how many of you have ever heard that using the salt shaker is going to increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, you got to be dead in America not to have heard that one. What's the first thing a farmer puts out to live stock? Salt block isn't it. There's nobody out in the pasture telling a cow she is limited to one lick a day is there. And I refuse to believe that my human patients are dumber than a cow. So I say go ahead and pick up a salt shaker and lightning won't strike you, salt your food with impunity, you can salt your body, nothing bad is going to happen. Go ahead and do it. 98% of my patients love it, they bring me hundreds of new patients every month who want to use salt and not feel guilty about it. And the 2%, the bean counters, they say Wallach we love and respect you, but we have this high priced cardiologist who says your flying in the face of all the weighted medical evidence. You can't tell people they can use salt, they are going to get hypertension and heart disease and stroke.
Well I have been redeemed on my view on salt. This came out in 1997. This was presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, not the National Inquirer, this was in Portland Oregon. Doctors lack proof that to much salt is unhealthful. After years of telling people, healthy people that too much salt isn't good for them, researchers still don't have solid evidence to back up that claim. Now what do doctors call people who give unsubstantiated health or medical advice for a profit? Call them quacks don't they, absolutely. So if you have a doctor and I don't care if they are an Orthodox doctor or an alternative doctor, if they say to cut back on salt, you say doc, you're a quack. Your giving me unsubstantiated health and medical advice for a profit. There's not a single study, not a single study, which shows that restricting salt will reduce your risk of high blood pressure.
Why Do Couch Potatoes Live Longer Than The Average Athlete? - Post
Dr. Wallach has a unique hobby, collecting MD obituaries. Here is one case:
A recent favorite of mine is Dr. W.T.N., 48, captain of the 'Dream Team' of cardiologists who cared for the late Reggie Lewis, 27, captain of the Boston Celtics. (Reggie Lewis died of a cardio-myopathy heart attack." A simple computer search at the library would have turned up the large-scale study showing the only known reason for cardiomyopathy to be a simple selenium deficiency.) THE TROUBLE WITH MODERN MEDICINE IS THAT THE PROFESSION IS SLOW TO APPLY THEIR OWN RESEARCH. Guess who pays the price of ignorance?
Dr. W.T.N. taught at Harvard, was cardiac expert for NBA, and finished the Boston Marathon three times. You guessed it- he died one and a half years after Reggie from the same type of heart attack. Dr. W.T.N. forgot that the human body needs something more than drugs, pacemakers and surgery. They both died from mineral deficiencies.
Why are athletes dropping dead at early ages? Why are they not faring as well compared to couch potato's? That's because athlete's sweat more in 5 years than couch potato's do in 75 years. And when you sweat your not just sweating out water or Gatorade, your sweating out a soup that contains all 60 essential minerals and they are called essential minerals because if any of them are missing for any length of time, you get some horrible degenerative disease, many of which are life threatening. So this is a no brainer folks...
Who is more likely to die of a life threatening mineral deficiency disease, an athlete sweating out quarts and quarts of this mineral rich soup everyday or a couch potato in an air conditioned den, laying on the couch belching and flipping through the channels?
Now the bottom line message here is this, you don't need to be an athlete to sweat, you can be in the military doing your training. You could be a roofer, a carpenter, an electrician, a plumber, a carpet layer, you can be a farmer, you could be a dance instructor, you could work in a bakery, you could work in an air conditioned insurance agency where its so cold like it is in here you could hang meat in there you know, never sweat at your work place, an then you know your being inactive so you join a health club, where you go sweat 3 nights a week. Unless your replacing the minerals your sweating out, your not going to make it to 100. Your going to be sick and miserable the last 12 to 15 years of your life. Exercise without supplementation is suicide. Exercise without supplementation is a negative, not a positive. Just like running your car without oil.
The next medical dogma or lie were going to look at has to do with this salt thing. Believe it or not how many of you have ever heard that using the salt shaker is going to increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, you got to be dead in America not to have heard that one. What's the first thing a farmer puts out to live stock? Salt block isn't it. There's nobody out in the pasture telling a cow she is limited to one lick a day is there. And I refuse to believe that my human patients are dumber than a cow. So I say go ahead and pick up a salt shaker and lightning won't strike you, salt your food with impunity, you can salt your body, nothing bad is going to happen. Go ahead and do it. 98% of my patients love it, they bring me hundreds of new patients every month who want to use salt and not feel guilty about it. And the 2%, the bean counters, they say Wallach we love and respect you, but we have this high priced cardiologist who says your flying in the face of all the weighted medical evidence. You can't tell people they can use salt, they are going to get hypertension and heart disease and stroke.
Well I have been redeemed on my view on salt. This came out in 1997. This was presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, not the National Inquirer, this was in Portland Oregon. Doctors lack proof that to much salt is unhealthful. After years of telling people, healthy people that too much salt isn't good for them, researchers still don't have solid evidence to back up that claim. Now what do doctors call people who give unsubstantiated health or medical advice for a profit? Call them quacks don't they, absolutely. So if you have a doctor and I don't care if they are an Orthodox doctor or an alternative doctor, if they say to cut back on salt, you say doc, you're a quack. Your giving me unsubstantiated health and medical advice for a profit. There's not a single study, not a single study, which shows that restricting salt will reduce your risk of high blood pressure.
Dr Wallach
Many medical journals have no policies regarding conflicts of interest in published research studies
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Many medical journals have no policies regarding conflicts of interest in published research studies
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Modern Medicine is Doing the Public a Disservice
Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist - CEO
Modern Medicine is Doing the Public a Disservice - Post
Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist - CEOhttp://GiveDoc90Days.com
Joint Pain? Contemplating Surgery? Give Doc 90 Days!
Tired of taking all those pain pills?
Contemplating Surgery?
Does your doctor suggest surgery?
Don't Do It!
Give Doc 90 Days!
Check out this video on YouTube then contact me:
Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist - CEO
Abell International Marketing
Nutrition and Supplementation The Best Way to Better Health.
As a pharmacist I believe nutrition and supplementation is the best way to better health.
The root word of pharmaceuticals comes from the Greek word Pharmakon. In Greek that means two things, medicine and poison.
How appropriate since in modern medicine we treat the body with poisons. What we learned in pharmacy school is how to control these poisons; How to control the poisonous responses of medicines to treat symptoms of diseases and to control them. All drugs have a poisonous response and people are shocked to hear about their side effects.
It turns out that one of the leading causes of death in this country is a result of side effects from pharmaceuticals. It's the third or fourth leading cause of death in America. There are hundreds of thousands of people each year that die of side effects. Not overdoses but side effects.
Something else many people don't realize about what pharmacist studied is that we studied nutrition. But we didn't study nutrition from the standpoint of a dietitian. We didn't study nutrition from the standpoint of a nutritionist. We studied it as if it were medicines; we studied the medicinal properties of vitamins; we studied the medicinal properties of minerals; we studied the medicinal properties of phytonutriants and antioxidants. That is how these substances act medicinally.
And we studied disease states as nutritional deficiencies. As it turns out most every disease that we suffer from, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, in fact almost all the diseases we suffer from in this country, if we back track them far enough we find a nutritional deficiency at the root.
Even at the point of natural death we don't die of what it says on the death certificate, we die because some organ system somewhere is not getting fed or is not getting sufficient nutrients to repair itself. We literally die of nutritional deficiencies.
So in pharmacy school I'm studying drugs as poisons; I'm studying nutrients as medicines; I'm studying disease states as nutritional deficiencies. It just made sense for me as a pharmacist to focus on the medicinal properties of nutrients.
So that lead me to nutritional pharmacy, that is using nutrients as medicines. And nutritional pharmacy lead me to Youngevity, a company with some of the finest, highest quality products on the market and a management team dedicated to health, wellness and prosperity.
Youngevity is not typical; in fact we have changed hundreds of thousands of lives around the world over the past decade. I quickly understood the value of providing a solution reducing the growing number of people impacted by the world's top 6 health related killers. Our message has high visibility with a contagious viral impact. Simply prepare to introduce yourself and shake hands with the world!
If Youngevity was simply a vehicle that helped people live longer, experience a higher quality of life, and increased the likelihood of living disease free, it would be reason enough to take action now. Consider…
- Being a solution to the world's greatest health challenges
- Financial peace
- Living youthful with longevity
- Providing hope to the hopeless
This information is powerful and time sensitive. With the viral nature of our business model you are now part of a "game-changer" in LIFE (Longevity Is Feeding Everyone).
Please take the time to watch these short videos. If you have any trouble opening the links, copy and paste them to your browser. Contact me if you have any questions.
Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
Pharmacist – CEO Abell International Marketing
Welcome To The Mineral Story
Nutrition and Supplementation The Best Way to Better Health. - Post
The root word of pharmaceuticals comes from the Greek word Pharmakon. In Greek that means two things, medicine and poison.
How appropriate since in modern medicine we treat the body with poisons. What we learned in pharmacy school is how to control these poisons; How to control the poisonous responses of medicines to treat symptoms of diseases and to control them. All drugs have a poisonous response and people are shocked to hear about their side effects.
It turns out that one of the leading causes of death in this country is a result of side effects from pharmaceuticals. It's the third or fourth leading cause of death in America. There are hundreds of thousands of people each year that die of side effects. Not overdoses but side effects.
Something else many people don't realize about what pharmacist studied is that we studied nutrition. But we didn't study nutrition from the standpoint of a dietitian. We didn't study nutrition from the standpoint of a nutritionist. We studied it as if it were medicines; we studied the medicinal properties of vitamins; we studied the medicinal properties of minerals; we studied the medicinal properties of phytonutriants and antioxidants. That is how these substances act medicinally.
And we studied disease states as nutritional deficiencies. As it turns out most every disease that we suffer from, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, in fact almost all the diseases we suffer from in this country, if we back track them far enough we find a nutritional deficiency at the root.
Even at the point of natural death we don't die of what it says on the death certificate, we die because some organ system somewhere is not getting fed or is not getting sufficient nutrients to repair itself. We literally die of nutritional deficiencies.
So in pharmacy school I'm studying drugs as poisons; I'm studying nutrients as medicines; I'm studying disease states as nutritional deficiencies. It just made sense for me as a pharmacist to focus on the medicinal properties of nutrients.
So that lead me to nutritional pharmacy, that is using nutrients as medicines. And nutritional pharmacy lead me to Youngevity, a company with some of the finest, highest quality products on the market and a management team dedicated to health, wellness and prosperity.
Youngevity is not typical; in fact we have changed hundreds of thousands of lives around the world over the past decade. I quickly understood the value of providing a solution reducing the growing number of people impacted by the world's top 6 health related killers. Our message has high visibility with a contagious viral impact. Simply prepare to introduce yourself and shake hands with the world!
If Youngevity was simply a vehicle that helped people live longer, experience a higher quality of life, and increased the likelihood of living disease free, it would be reason enough to take action now. Consider…
- Being a solution to the world's greatest health challenges
- Financial peace
- Living youthful with longevity
- Providing hope to the hopeless
Please take the time to watch these short videos. If you have any trouble opening the links, copy and paste them to your browser. Contact me if you have any questions.